Agung Gunawan

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the javanese

Agung Gunawan was born in 1971 in Klaten, Central Java. After graduation from the High School of Arts in Jogjakarta, he continued studies of Javanese classical dance in Surya Kencana and at the Kraton (Palace) where he continues to perform. He studied other styles (egg, Sumatranese, Betawian and Kalimantan) with Bagong Kusudiharjo and contemporary with Miroto. He is presently Assistant Choreographer of the Miroto Dance Company and has toured with them in Holland, Belgium, Germany and of course Indonesia. With the Padepokan Seni Bagong Kusudiharjo, he has performed in Vermont, Boston and Washington DC in the USA. He also has been a resident dance teacher, choreographer and performance in Bucharest, Romania. He is active in Indonesia with a cotemporary music group led by the composer Vincent McDermott. Just recently he completed work as assistant choreographer on Opera Jawa movie produced by Peter Sellars and directed by Garin Nugroho.




‘…Indonesian guest artist Agung Gunawan was remarkable in Execution, exploiting the different qualities of two masks to create a sense of turmoil, conflict and ultimate extinction of one by the other.His learn limbs, articulate hands and gliding transitions seemed magical, and his dramatic conviction gave the masks a life of their own, seeming both contemporary and arcane.

November 29, 2005 THE AGE (Melbourne- Australia) - Reviewer Hilary Crampton  


‘…Dengan pertunjukan seni tari dan musik yang dikemas sedemilian rupa, ribuan masyarakat hadir diajak untuk diajak bangkit dari kedukaan menuju kehidupan yang lebih bergairah. Pengunjung juga dibuat terpukau dengan suguhan musik dan tari Segara Gunungyang dibawakan oleh Chaerul Slamet dan Agung Gunawan.

July 7, 2006 Kedaulatan Rakyat (Jogjakarta-Indonesia) - Reviewer Effy Widjono Putro 

“OPERA” Membawa Mata Hari Kembali ke Kultur Jawa

‘…Dikisahkan, Mata Hari  muda berada di Jawa untuk belajar menari. Oleh Agung Gunawan , tarian digubah tetap mengandung sikap tari Jawa namun bisa mengentak dan tidak lambat seperti tarian Jawa umumnya.

November 18, 2006 KOMPAS (jogjakarta-Indonesia) - Reviewer Intan Febrianis  



Contact Me

Telephone: +62 815 786 280 83